Home Loan Tax Benefits If You Own Multiple Homes |
As we all know that many people migrate from their home towns to different locations in search of employment and other facilities, and for their residential purpose they can buy another house. Besides that, many people nowadays are purchasing apartme |
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How to Get the Best Home Loan Deal Right Now? |
As we all know that right now is the best time to purchase a house, as the whole world has been hit by an outbreak of Coronavirus and in the unavailability of vaccine yet, every person has realized the value of having your own home. Besides that, the |
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How to Get the Best Home Loan Deal Right Now? |
As we all know that right now is the best time to purchase a house, as the whole world has been hit by an outbreak of Coronavirus and in the unavailability of vaccine yet, every person has realized the value of having your own home. Besides that, the |
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Property Registration Worth Rs. 16 Crore Made During First 4 Navratri Days |
The Festive Season has embarked with a great news for the Real Estate Sector in India. The Advent of Festivities with the Auspicious Days of Navratri, has edified the state of the market as many people are finding it the right time to make an investm |
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Difference Between Home Loan and Land Loan |
needs a house to dwell in, some people choose to buy a new apartment in
residential societies of a prime area for modern living & some people
choose to buy a piece of land to construct their own house. For both purposes,
you need the |
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How is the Money Refunded When A Property Deal is Cancelled |
There will not always be a property deal ending as planned. There are occasions when owing to unexpected circumstances, a contractor or a buyer can abandon a certain transaction mid-way. Cancellation of a contract, however, does not mean financial lo |
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