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Title What causes for loss Libido?
Category Fitness Health --> Family Health
Meta Keywords Low sex drive: What causes for loss Libido?, What causes for loss Libido?, loss sex drive, low sex drive
Owner jonathon will

Introduction of loss libido

Lack of sexual desire now and then is a common problem that concern every age and sex. Psychologically, it may be affected by the physical and health characteristics of the individual, mental health status and intra/interpersonal relationships. Physically, conditions like low level of testosterone in male or some changes in women due to the menopausal period can reduce erotic drive. Chronic illnesses, medications, fatigue also contribute much to this aspect. Psychologically, stress, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are some of the causes. Furthermore, conflicts with a partner, no intimacy with a partner, and changes in a person’s life might also affect sexual desire. Other factors that worsen the situation in chronic diseases include urging habits like lack of balanced diet, no exercise, and substance use.

Low sexual desire can be treated in different ways; primarily, a patient should consult a doctor to check for essential diseases and illnesses, the second way involves counseling through therapy, and the third one implies couples’ better understanding of each other and their relationship between the sheets. Lifestyle improvements including utilization of proper diets, exercising, and stress management can also be of help. Everyone should seek advice from healthcare specialists to get relevant recommendations and therapies on how to regain sexual desire.

Relationship problems with loss libido

Erectile dysfunction decreases intimacy and causes frustration which results in miscommunication and space between couples, especially sexual partners. This is always complex, sometimes stemming from a physical, social, and psychological aspect of a person’s life. Hormonal imbalances, some medications or health issues such as diabetes and heart disease impact physical factors and therefore cut down on sexual desire. Physically, stress is the leading factor, closely followed by anxiety and depression because they sap energy and leave no energy for sex.

Relationships are an important determinant of satisfaction with the reduction in libido among women where it can become self-reinforcing. When one partner loses interest, he or she is rejected by the other, which makes him or her feel incompetent, thus developing hatred and least intimacy. This emotional pressure outcome worsens the situation as the couples cannot freely express themselves and their needs.

Lost libido must be treated in terms of overall solution as this will likely reoccur in the future. Infrastructural communication should be open, enabling the partners to share their worries and fears with no prejudice. Talking to a therapist or to a health care specialist can also be useful as they can offer useful techniques and medications to cope with such problems. Diet and exercise together with changes in the lifestyle that include reduction of stress, exercising and improving diet affects the overall well being of the individual thus improving his/her sex life.

In conclusion, both partners should be patient, understanding and both should try to make an effort for working it out for this sensitive issue for surviving and improving the quality of life in marriage.

Psychological Causes of loss libido

The psychological causes of loss of libido include the following. Lack of frequency is also attributed to stress because when other tasks, pressures, and problems engulf a person’s mind, thoughts of sex cannot penetrate. Other illnesses that are all involved; these diseases are usually involved in reducing one’s interest in activities that earlier in some way or the other were enjoyed including sexual activities. Marital has issues say for instance if there are issues like quarrels or less communication then it reduces intimacy and thus the sexual urge. Also, other factors like past abuse and or negative attitudes towards sex, will significantly impact on one’s sexual desire.

Lack of self esteem and poor body image also make people feel unsexy or undeserving of the sexual attention, thus decreasing their lust. Mental health issues and diseases are other causes since they affect an individual’s mood, and this directly influences the libido. Learning and solving these psychogenic factors, which very often have to be assisted by a sex therapist, is one of the ways to work on the disappearance of the sexual desire and the improvement of the quality of the life.

Hormonal Imbalances causes of loss libido

Several hormones are involved in even sexual desire, and therefore hormonal imbalances will directly affect sexual desire, reducing it. This is mostly due to conditions that cause hormones that are very crucial in sexual desires and activities to be produced in either inadequate or excess amount. The primary cause that is often found in men as having decreased sexual desire or sexual urges is low testosterone level. This is an important sex hormone and when it is low can be due to old age, stressing conditions or hypogonadism.

Thus, it is seen that in women, hormonal imbalance such as estrogen and progesterone has an impact on desire. Estrogen level is not constant, but varies with the menstrual cycle however, conditions like – menopausal women, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) lead to a considerable reduction in estrogen level. Also pregnancy, sexual health, and reproductive system in both male and female greatly depend on the thyroid hormones. There is hypothyroid, the under active thyroid – and it comprises of tiredness and weight gain and low desire for sex.

Other causes of hormonal imbalances are poor stress due to its increase of cortisol levels, and medications that may hinder synthesis of hormones. One may need to exercise, reduce stress and visit a doctor if they are experiencing such problems so that imbalances may be addressed in dealing with libido read more visit now