Title | Secret Jardin (DF16 Carbon Filter) CTC80 2.0kg 350 m3/h |
URL | https://www.hydroponicstown.com/w-df16f350-secret-jardin-df16-carbon-filter-ctc80-2-0kg-350-m3-h |
Category | Business --> Agriculture |
Meta Keywords | #SecretJardin #CarbonFilter #W-DF16F350 #HydroponicTown #IndoorGardening
Meta Description | Secret Jardin DF16 Carbon Filter CTC80, 2.0 kg, 350 cubic meters per hour (m3/h), is an air filter designed to eliminate odors from grow tents. |
Owner | hydroponicstown |
Description |
Secret Jardin DF16 Carbon Filter CTC80, 2.0 kg, 350 cubic meters per hour (m3/h), is an air filter designed to eliminate odors from grow tents. |