Title | Robot: Brief Explanation, Types & Parts of Robots (Automation) |
URL | https://techbonafide.com/024-robot/ |
Category | Computers --> Robotics |
Meta Keywords | Robots, Machine, Artificial Intelligence |
Meta Description | A Robot is a type of machine than perform automated tasks. Robots are useful to mankind in performing dangerous tasks like firefighting etc, also perform daily basis tasks.
Owner | Muneeb |
Description |
A robot is a type of automated machine that can perform specific tasks quickly and accurately with little to no human intervention. There has been significant progress in the field of robotics, which deals with the design, engineering, and operation of robots, over the last 50 years. According to IDC, robotics is one of the six innovation accelerators: accelerating digital transformation. Virtual reality or augmented reality, cognitive computing, next-generation security, and 3D printing are the others.