Title | LG MFG63099101 Washer Locker-Hook HnKParts |
URL | https://www.hnkparts.com/mfg63099101-lge-locker-hook |
Category | Business --> Consumer Goods and Services |
Meta Keywords | #LGE #MCJ61861201 #HnKParts #LGEParts #WasherCoupling #homeappliances
Meta Description | Order LG MFG63099101 Washer Locker-Hook today! Shop home & kitchen appliance parts at HnK Parts with same-day shipping, available at the best prices. |
Owner | hnkparts |
Description |
LG MFG63099101 is not a locker hook, but rather a door lock strike for LG washing machines. It's an essential component that allows the washing machine door to lock when you close it.