Title | Goodman 0150M00012SP Fan Blade 20 Inch CCW | PartsHnC |
URL | https://www.partshnc.com/20-fan-blade-ccw-2 |
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Meta Description | Order Goodman 0150M00012SP Fan Blade 20 Inch CCW today! Shop HVAC Parts & Accessories at PartsHnC with same-day shipping, available at the best prices. |
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Description |
Manufacturer Name: Amana-Goodman
Product Number: 0150M00012SP
OEM Part Number: 0150M00012SP
The Amana-Goodman 0150M00012SP 20 Inch Fan Blade CCW is an essential component in HVAC systems, specifically designed for optimum air circulation. Air is drawn through the system by its counterclockwise spin, which enhances the heating or cooling processes.