Title | Emerald Harvest King Kola 1 US gallon, 3.79 L (4/cs) |
URL | https://www.hydroponicstown.com/king-kola-1-us-gal-3-79-l |
Category | Business --> Agriculture |
Meta Keywords | #EmeraldHarvest #KingKola #420-004 #HydroponicTown #IndoorGardening #HydroponicsSupplies
Meta Description | Emerald Harvest King Kola, in 1-gallon (3.79 L) liquid enhancers (case of 4), boosts flower size and aroma during flowering, ideal for larger, denser buds. |
Owner | hydroponicstown |
Description |
Emerald Harvest King Kola, in 1-gallon (3.79 L) liquid enhancers (case of 4), boosts flower size and aroma during flowering, ideal for larger, denser buds. |