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Title Do You Know the Real Meaning Of Umrah?
Category Vacation and Travel --> Tours & Packages
Meta Keywords best Umrah deals, Umrah Tour, best Umrah travel agency in Kolkata
Owner Aleena Arfeen Hajj and Umrah Private Limited

It has been a dream of almost all the Muslims to conduct Umrah journey once in their lifetime and they always search for the best Umrah deals that can allow them to accomplish their dreams of being closer to the Almighty Allah (SWT).

Key facts about Umrah is here 

For those who are reading this blog for the first time and have no idea of what Umrah is, make sure to go through this write-up till the very end to get all the insights. Umrah and Hajj are the Islamic pilgrimages that are conducted by every Muslim only with the intention of being closer to the Almighty Allah (SWT). At the same time it is to be noted that there is a difference in the rituals of Umrah and Hajj. While Hajj can be done annually, it is true that Umrah Tour can be conducted as many times as a pilgrim wishes in his life.

Umrah- A journey that takes you to Jannah 

Umrah or as it called ‘the minor pilgrimage’ is a pilgrimage that is mostly done by Muslims each year to wipe away all the past sins and also to establish the connection with the gracious Allah (SWT). With the conduct of this journey, pilgrims can also seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT) for all the past mistakes that they might have done either with intention or without any intention. 

With the conduct of Umrah, you can be the-

  • Guest of Allah (SWT): Yes, this is for sure that with the conduct of Umrah journey, you can become the guest of Allah (SWT). One feels blessed just by thinking about being a visitor in Allah (SWT)'s House. One of the most revered Islamic rituals, Umrah offers the opportunity to see the Almighty, the Eternal Absolute, the Supreme Creator of the entire universe, Allah (SWT) as one of His guests. It is said that when a person spends their money and time to please Allah (SWT), He Himself receives and accommodates pilgrims in His House (Holy Kaaba).

  • Possess the eradication of poverty: When you do possess the key intention to reach out to the best Umrah travel agency in Kolkata you can be sure to have pleased Allah (SWT) with the intention of arriving in the Holy Land to initiate the best Umrah Tour. Umrah is among the most beautiful Sunnah's of the beloved Prophet of Allah (PBUH).When asked about Umrah’s benefits, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Perform Hajj and Umrah consecutively, for they remove poverty and sin as hollers remove impurity from iron.”

  • Strengthen your faith in Islam: In today's fast-paced society, one commits several sins without even being aware of them, which weakens one's faith. The journey, however, strengthens a person's Iman and draws them nearer to Allah (SWT) when they are performing Umrah with a sincere and pure desire. 

Do you feel interested in conducting Umrah trip from Kolkata? All you have to do is to reach out to the best Umrah Tour operators now to avail the cheapest Umrah packages from Kolkata in order to make the best journey of your life within your budget.

Read The Full Article: Aleena Hajj And Umrah Private Limited