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Title Benefits of Bitter Gourd or Karela Juice Benefits
Category Fitness Health --> Alternative
Meta Keywords diabetes,diabetes treatment
Owner Girish Banvi
Benefits of Bitter Gourd|Karela Juice Benefits|Sugar Knocker

Bitter Gourd, also termed as Momordica charantia, wild cucumber, or bitter melon is a vegetable plant. This plant acquires its name due to its taste. This particular food item is used as a vegetable, juice, or salad. It also gets bitter as the vegetable ripens with time.

The bitter gourd is cultivated in areas including South America, Asia, East Africa, as well as the Caribbean. Bitter gourd has been used as a medicinal item for a variety of conditions. 

The bitter gourd houses several nutrients that are beneficial to health. It also lowers the blood sugar levels and hence aids in the diabetes treatment.

Bitter Gourd Usage: What does research suggest?

Bitter gourd is associated with lowered blood sugar in the body. A clinical trial conducted over the decades noted that bitter gourd comes with properties that mimic insulin. This helps bring the glucose into your body cells for proper energy.

Daily regulated consumption of the bitter gourd helps the cells use glucose, then move it towards the muscles, fat, and liver. Bitter gourd might also help the body retain the nutrients while blocking away the glucose conversion. Glucose Conversion might end up inside the bloodstream.

A study was conducted by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. In that study, it is stated that more studies would be required to measure the effects of the bitter gourd. Another study noted in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology went on to compare the effectiveness of most used diabetes drugs with bitter gourd.

It was noted that the bitter gourd reduces the levels of fructosamine among diabetics. It did so very effectively as opposed to the lowest dosage of pre-approved diabetes medication. If you are looking for ways to cure diabetes, the addition of bitter gourd to your daily diet could be the key.

Bitter Gourd-Nutritional Benefits

Bitter Gourd is a food item that serves as both as well as vegetables. If you are suffering from diabetes, you need to know the fact about Food. The fact is that food item houses a range of minerals, vitamins, as well as antioxidants. Bitter Gourd has also been recognized for its medicinal properties in multiple cultures. The range of its nutritional properties and constituents include:

  • Minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, as well as iron.
  • Presence of vitamins C, E, A, B1, B2, B3, & B9.
  • Presence of multiple antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenols, and so on.

Now Let Us See, How the Bitter Gourd is Helpful To Cure Diabetes in Detail.

[Bonus: Watch This Video to Know How to use bitter melon to lower blood sugar?]

Helpful Effects on Type 2 Diabetes

Effect over blood sugar levels:

Effect Over Blood Sugar Levels

When it comes to the effect of bitter gourd over diabetics, this particular item contains some substances. The substance that lead to a decrease in blood glucose levels. Which leads to appetite suppression. It actually behaves in a way similar to that of insulin.

So, whether you suffer from Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, bitter gourd could be an important herbal remedy. As bitter gourd increases your insulin sensitivity.

Effects on the glucose intolerance:

Effects on the Glucose Intolerance

Another study conducted in the year 2008 on diabetic patients, suggested that bitter gourd tends to improve the glucose intolerance. Improving by suppressing the blood glucose post meal consumption. If you are aiming for improved glucose tolerance in your body, adding bitter gourd to your diet could be very effective.

[Also Read: Improve Your Insulin Sensitivity with These 2 Naturally Available Vitamins]

Decrease in Hemoglobin A1c Levels:

Decrease in Hemoglobin A1c Levels

Managing diabetes with bitter gourd could be an easier feat. Given the fact that the consumption of this food item leads to a significant decrease in hemoglobin A1c levels. The A1c levels in the blood is the sugar level determined over a period of 2 to 3 months.

In the study conducted to monitor the A1c levels, the participants had to take 2 bitter gourd capsules thrice a day. Post completion of the study, it was reported that the consumption of bitter gourd helps with the decrease in A1c levels by 0.25 percent. Even though small could be a significant change for any diabetic suffering from health issues.

Aids Weight Loss:

Aids Weight Loss

Bitter Gourd tends to be low in calorie content, carbohydrates, and fat. Together, these properties help in better weight loss. Diabetics often see a worsening of symptoms with an increase in weight. In order to control diabetes progression, it is important that one should opt for natural weight loss.

The bitter gourd stimulates your liver and helps with the secretion of bile acids. These acids are very essential when it comes to easy fat metabolizing. Additionally, bitter gourd houses close to 80 to 85 percent water that is known to be a universal hunger suppressant.

[Also Read: How Weight Loss can Reverse TYPE 2 Diabetes?]

Decreased Bad Cholesterol:

Decreased Bad Cholesterol

If you are looking for ways to controlling diabetes naturally, it tends to reduce risk from a stroke or heart attack. Additionally, it tends to maintain blood pressure given the fact that it is great a rich source of potassium. It absorbs any excess sodium present in your body. It also helps decrease chances for heart disease as it houses folic acid and iron.